Monday, September 24, 2012

Live With Trust by Martin Wiles

Series: Living Life to the Fullest

Clang, clang. The sound of metal against metal was unnerving. They were only doing what Jesus said and this is how he rewarded them? 

Jesus was gone-ascended back into heaven, and the disciples were left with a promised Spirit they couldn’t see, an enormous task they were clueless about how to accomplish and now a jail sentence. A combination that would test the faith of the strongest believer.

Peter and John had already been questioned about their preaching by the Jewish high court and instructed to stop speaking in Jesus’ name. But his final commission burned in their bones, and they continued heralding. Now they were in jail. Bars and shackles, however, aren’t a crisis for almighty God. He simply sent an angel to open the gates and deliver the apostles past guards who were oblivious to the entire scene.

Years earlier, Solomon issued a challenge the apostles understood. Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight (Proverbs 3:5-6).

Life is filled with many apparent roadblocks and dead ends-even when obeying God and heading in the right direction. Difficult circumstances aren’t the time to stop depending on God; they give occasion for faith to grow stronger. Living life to the fullest involves trusting God when we don’t understand and even when it doesn’t make sense. Our personal understanding will lead us astray when it conflicts with Christ’s mind, but relying on God in spite of the consequences will always bring ultimate happiness. Is a lack of trust keeping you from a fulfilled life?

Prayer: God who controls all our life circumstances, strengthen our faith so we’ll trust You even when our situations appear dismal.

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