Monday, May 11, 2015

Clinging to the Priest - Martin Wiles

That is why we have a great High Priest who has gone to heaven, Jesus the Son of God. Let us cling to him and never stop trusting him. Hebrews 4:14 NLT

I could tell colder temperatures had arrived even before I walked outside. The news flash came when I donned my dress pants for work. Instead of hanging loosely around my legs, they clung tightly. If I didn’t fix the problem, it would appear I had glued them to my legs. Frantically, I looked for my winter friend: a can of Static Guard. A quick dousing of my pants with this, and the cling unclung. Now I could walk without my pants clutching my legs. 

For the Jewish people, the high priest was the highest religious authority. They clung to him because he interceded on their behalf to God by annually entering the Holy of Holies, confessing their sins, and receiving God’s assurance of forgiveness. Jesus’ death on the cross, however, eliminated the need for his position. A more superior High Priest has taken the throne. 

I love clinging to someone who understands my weaknesses…who doesn’t think they’re better than I am or above committing the same mistakes and sins I do. Christ is that kind of priest. Though he didn’t sin, he did struggle with the temptation to sin as well as the temptations to shortcut God’s plan or timing. 

I also enjoy clinging to someone who won’t toss me aside when I mess up—because I frequently do. Christ’s forgiveness is perpetual. He gets between me and God, reminding God that I’m a part of the family…not an outsider. Through him, I have unending access to God. 

And I need an example of someone who did a superior job of obeying the heavenly Father. Christ did. His life as recorded in the gospels gives me hope that I too can live a successful life and remain godly at the same time. Pressures to conform are surmountable. Misunderstandings by others aren’t the end of the world. Death for a good cause is honorable. 

Who or what are you clinging to for support, strength, and guidance?

Prayer: Lord Jesus, move us to cling to You for forgiveness, guidance, and eternal life. 


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